Low-Code vs. No-Code: What's the Real Difference?

difference between no code and low code

Move over conventional coding. No-code is finally here!

Back in the day, web development was a much more tedious and expensive ‘professionals only’ task, but thanks to no-code, it’s all changing now.

This article will discuss all the rationales why no-code and low-code are taking the development world by storm and the difference between the two.

Gartner estimated that low-code app platforms would account for over 65% of development by 2024.

What is Low-Code? 

Low-code is a development approach that requires 'less' coding knowledge and expertise compared to the conventional coding system that relies on seasoned coders with in-depth knowledge of computer languages, development environments, deployment procedures, and testing protocols. 

According to a global survey by Statista, apps built using low-code have helped bring down development costs by a staggering 53% and increased revenue by 58% for customer-focused apps.

What is No-Code? 

No-code is the simpler version of low-code, which relies upon a visual development interface, where non-technical users can quickly create websites or applications without the need for coding or outside help.

"The number of no-code developers worldwide is expected to double in the next three years, crossing two million…” says Michele Rosen, research manager for Low-Code, No-Code, and Intelligent Developer Technologies at IDC.

What are No-Code and Low-Code Platforms? 

No-code and low-code platforms are both visual development environments that showcase the ‘behind-the-scenes' of web development. But instead of repeating primary lines of code, it allows the users to construct flowcharts, enabling point-and-click development, experimenting, testing, and implementation to achieve the desired function or capability.

No-code platforms are ideal for developing applications that address small business problems. Low-code platforms, on the other hand, make it feasible for development teams to create and deploy high-demand websites faster, benefiting essential business operations and keeping data confidential.

Launching a new business can be costly and bagged with uncertainty, as projections and research alone can't guarantee results.

MVP (minimum viable product) development is a concept that lets you release a simplified version of the website or app into the market for validation. Fetching primary metrics and highlighting areas for improvement via real-time user experience and customer feedback.

No-code/low-code MVPs speed up the process with visual programming and reusable components, making it more cost-effective and time saving for businesses in the long run.

Difference Between No-Code and Low-Code

In a nutshell, no-code completely relieves the stress of having to code, whereas low-code takes it one step ahead by offering the option to add more code to the existing structure allowing more room for customization. 

Although the majority of their base features overlap, here’s a list of tiebreakers to give you an overview of pivotal differentiators in no-code vs. low-code:

1. Target Market

Low-code targets professional developers with the coding knowledge and expertise but not the time frame to go through the hectic and complex conventional coding process.

No-code is more user-friendly as its mandatory requirement is the passion for creating that allows a variety of non-programming professionals to jump in and be creative.

It’s also one of the main reasons why no-code has garnered seven times more attention than low-code on social media platforms.

2. Enterprise

Low-code and no-code can be utilized simultaneously, by different departments, based on their varying operational needs.

Business owners and IT departments can adopt low-code. In contrast, HR, legal, sales, finance, and production can adopt no-code for internal sites as they don’t carry the pressure of extended functionalities.

3. Structure

Low-code can be integrated with other apps like APIs to protect central data, build systems with security barriers, and so much more. Additionally, it also comes equipped with a plethora of library components.

No-code, however, is more suitable for outer areas that don’t rely on extensive functionalities but relatively simple drag-and-drop, user-friendly interfaces—also making it an ideal choice for businesses on a strict budget.

4. Speed

The online world saw a post-pandemic revolution, with e-commerce sales skyrocketing 43% in the US. This online transition highlighted the increased demand for agile web development for businesses—offering value for money and prompt results. 

Low-code is 40% to 60% faster than conventional coding because its ready-made blocks make the debugging and testing process quicker and scaling-friendly. 

No-code, compared to its almost similar counterpart, lets the developer add features effortlessly as there are limited plug-and-play options to choose from, less prone to errors otherwise associated with manual coding, and, lastly, a considerably reduced testing time.

No-Code Vs. Low-Code: When to Choose What?

Given the similarities, it can make this a challenging task to decide what’s best for your business. However, the right questions can make this a less daunting decision:

1. What business or department goals are you looking to accomplish via your website?

2. Who will be its primary users?

3. What is the needed turnaround time?

4. Core functions of the website. Does it need internal or external integration?

5. Confidentiality or security considerations. If any?

6. Who will build the website? 

For example, your business website needs to cater to intricate functions, requires significant customizations and integration with APIs for highly vulnerable data, and has a team of developers looking into its deployment and testing process. Then low-code equipped with a Rapid Action Development tool (RAD) is the perfect solution for you. 

Creatio, Appian, and OutSystems are the top low-code development platforms suitable for enterprises across all levels.

No-code, on the other hand, offers pre-built templates for adding simple features that non-technical users can easily handle. Webflow, Bubble, Editor X and Zyro are a few examples, with Webflow being the most advanced platform for no-code websites.

Note: Because the scalability of no-code is limited, you should have a plan in place when your website grows beyond the capacity of your non-coding team. With the developers alienated from the start, you will only be left to choose between contracting or consulting, which will bring an extra cost.

Is Low-Code/No-Code the Future of Development?

Absolutely Yes!

The projected market size of the global low-code industry is projected to reach $14 Billion USD by the end of 2022 and $187 Billion USD by the end of 2032. Low-code and no-code are here to stay, beating the socks off conventional coding. Check out the article on 18 Reasons why no-code/low-code is the future of development to learn more.

A method that initially consumed six months or more to create a website with simplistic features and functions, thanks to the modern-day no-code / low-code, that time has been cut to weeks or even days.

Low-code and no-code perfectly fill the demand and supply gap for an ill-equipped tech industry that’s unable to cope with the rising demands of business growth, especially for website creation.

Also Read:

Top Use Cases of Low-Code

Final Word

Decisions and investments, if not made at the right time, can cost you a fortune later. 

Are you looking to create a website that is stunning, functional, and requires minimal maintenance?

We at Seattle New Media offer the perfect no-code/low-code solutions for your website. We don't just say; we deliver! 

Head over to our portfolio section and see for yourself.  Ready to flaunt your digital asset to the world? 

Get in touch with our team of experts and empower your business today!

About Seattle New Media

We're a no-code/low-code agency that specializes in no-code, low-code development for businesses of all sizes. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you.


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